Outcome of CT Scans With Contrast Taken 23 Dec 10

Some of you may recall that after my failed Chest Biopsy just before Christmas – which is what has been delaying the start of my Chemo – I insisted on having another full set of CT Scans with contrast. My concern was that it had already been two months since the last (second) set of scans and we needed to re-assess how my cancer was progressing. Well I had that second set of brain, chest, abdomen and pelvis scans on 23 Dec. I received the back brief yesterday whilst at the Chemo ward:

CT Brain with contrast – conclusion was that the Whole Brain Radiotherapy has had a partial response with reductions in lesion (tumour) size and associated swelling in my brain. I have three sizeable tumours as well as a number of ‘small enhancing nodules’.

In summary this is cold clinical speak that when translated actually means this is a really good result!

CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis with Contrast

All of my lung nodules (tumours) have increased in size. There were originally five, I have now developed an additional two bringing it up to a total of seven. All of this is very disappointing but not surprising as they have received no treatment until we start chemo today. This is why it was so frustrating that there was such a delay in getting my biopsy as that then delayed the start of chemo. It is hoped this will now reduce the size of these tumours, however, realistically I have been told there is only roughly in the order of a 20% success rate with Malignant Melanoma.

Ho hum, fingers crossed for the chemo, I’m going into hibernation again so I can be as strong as possible in the next 1-2 weeks to give the chemo the best chance. Hopefully I will be in that 20%, if not there are still other options which lie in the realm of drug trials.

Two cycles of chemo to go, six weeks and then another full set of scans and we shall see where we are at!

4 responses to “Outcome of CT Scans With Contrast Taken 23 Dec 10

  1. Hi, after reading the article about you in Take a Break I wanted to contact you. Last March I was diagnosed with breast cancert, 4 brain tumours and other tumours throughout my body. I spent only 3 days in hospital, had 5 sessions of radiotherapy on my head before the hospital literally gave up on me and gave me 3-6 months to live. My husband spent hours on the internet researching alternative medicines and came up with the Dr Budwig protocol which consists of flax oil, cottage cheese and champagne all blended together and taken daily. It takes a bit of getting used to but it as saved my life. I take many other supplements but am feeling good. I have had two further scans since initial diagnosis, the first a body scan and this showed a reduction of 50% in the tumours. In December I had a CT head scan and two of the tumours have disappeared and the remaining two have reduced by 50%. I will be on the gloop (my name for the mixture) for many years to come, but if it will save my life then so be it.

    The one major thing I have given up is sugar – cancer feeds on sugar – so starve it!!

    If I can let you know about anything else that I am taking then please let me know. Keep your chin up and everyday say to yourself ‘I will beat this’.

  2. Just like to say my sister in law had the same as you, metastatic multiple brain tumours and a couple of lung tumours following 13 years of being clear of malignant melanoma and was given 6 months to live. she had WBRT but badgered the Royal Marsden to give her stereotactic radiosurgery which they finally did on some of her brain lesions (they couldn’t do them all). She didn’t have chemo. She then changed her diet and started on Essiac and went back to Spain where she continued to build her house. She lived a good life for 5 years dying peacefully in her sleep. Never knew what exactly kept it at bay but thought this might be useful for you.
    Good luck – I will be thinking of you and your wife as I lost my husband at the age of 33 to a different form of cancer.

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